Dr Fernando J. Torres


- Certified Wound Specialist Physician®
- Physician Certification in Wound Care
- Wound Care Certified®
- Diabetic Wound Certified®
- Certified Hyperbaric and Wound Specialist®

Dr. Torres has been practicing hyperbaric medicine and wound management since 2005. He has managed over 4,000 patients with acute and chronic wounds throughout the northern, central and eastern region of Puerto Rico. He worked 12 years in the Department of Hyperbaric Medicine and Wounds of the Medical Center of Puerto Rico. He served as "Senior Medical Director" for Woundtech located in Hollywood, Florida; who offers wound management in several states of the United States.

Currently, he is the Chief Medical Officer of Wound Therapeutics of Florida LLC which offers advanced wound care in Orlando, Florida. Dr Torres developed the Wounds Authority (https://woundsauthority.com) portal with the purpose of offering wound management training for health professionals. He is the owner and lead developer of the electronic medical record specifically designed for wound management Wound Charts (https://woundcharts.com). This application takes advantage of existing technology such as machine learning to provide predictions and suggestions of treatments in order to obtain the best clinical results. He is the author of the spanish textbook: "Wound Management: Introduction, Diagnosis and Treatments" available on Amazon; Dedicated for healthcare professionals.

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